Why subscribe?
We all have limited time. Do you really need one more newsletter clogging your inbox?
Allow me to make the argument for why the answer might be yes.
Here I promise to discuss the unvarnished, naked truth about living, working, loving, moving, and surviving in a woman’s body, primarily, but also frequently a human body, too, whether male or nonbinary. Here I will publish stories that major publications have rejected as not newsworthy, trivial, or unfit for printing. A few examples? This story about the importance of preventing UTIs with vaginal estrogen was originally written for an enthusiastic female editor at a major newspaper, but then, after we worked hard to edit it, she couldn’t get buy in from her other (male) editors, whose attitude was basically, “Lady UTIs? Blech.” I pitched this story about how your AirPods can be used as a hearing aids to several major publications, all of whom didn’t deem it worthy of print space, although you have now shared it many multiple thousands of times. Same with this story, about how women can easily avoid getting frozen shoulder from the Covid vaccine (as I did, when the needle was placed too high up in my arm) with a quick three-finger hack.
Women’s bodies exist. FFS women exist. And our specific physiology, needs, and psychology deserve proper study and reporting, with a frequent dash of humor to keep us all sane.